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    Achieve projeyek bi cûdahiyek e: piştgirîkirina ciwanan ku bikevin nav perwerde, kar, şagirt û hêj bêtir. Em ji nivîsandina CV, jêhatîbûna hevpeyivînê, qursên belaş û fînanse re arîkariyê pêşkêş dikin jêhatîbûn, agahdarî û rêbernameya xwe û komek çalakiyên avakirina tîmê kêf û balkêş ava bikin, li gorî tiştê ku hûn dixwazin bikin. Achieve hay jê heye ku COVID-19 dibe ku ji we re stres be, ji ber vê yekê em pêbawer in ku ji we re bibin alîkar ku hûn kar an perwerdehiyê bibînin bi rengek ku hûn li gorî rewşa heyî ewledar bimînin. Heya nuha, hûn dikarin di van demên dijwar de ji dûr ve bi me re bixebitin. Ji bo bêtir agahdarî bi me re têkilî daynin: 07455455851 01482 218115 Alternatively you can Email us at: an NEWS Bi rastî ji me re girîng e ku ciwanên ku em piştgirî didin wan her derfet hebe ku ji me re bibêjin ku ew bi rastî li ser karûbarên ku em pêşkêş dikin difikirin û wateya The Warren ji wan re çi ye. Jodie Langford yek ji wan ciwanan bû ku bi Projeya Achieve ya me ya YEI-fînansekirî derbas bû - wê ev beş nivîsî û pêk anî da ku ji me re bêje ka ew çawa li ser wê projeyê û The Warren bixwe hest dike. ŞEHEDÎ Bêyî destkeftiyê min nedikarî bi qasî ku ez niha dikim, we hemûyan her roj ew qas alîkariya min kir, ferq nake ka çi karmend jî ew li wir in, hûn hemî çêtirîn in!! Ger min bikariba zêdetir stêrkan bidim ezê. Vê sibehê bi Gemma re hevdîtinek kir û ew bi rastî ji jor û pê ve diçe alîkariyê. Tîmek mezin û karûbarek fantastîk. Dê 100% pêşniyar bike. Bi saya arîkariya tîmê Achieve ez naha wekî beşek ji tîmê rêveberiyê li yek ji zincîreyên herî mezin ên pub-a Keyaniya Yekbûyî karekî min heye, ez çu carî nikarim bi têra xwe spasiya we bikim. Tîma bi rastî arîkar her gav baş e ku meriv pê re biaxive û gava ku min bi xwe bawer nekir bi min bawer kir. Spas dikim! Zêdetir bixwînin an xwe binirxînin


    Hûn bi xêr hatin nêzîkatiya meya afirîner a li ser rûpela Piştgiriya Tenduristiya Derûnî. Li vir hûn ê hemî agahdariya ku hûn hewce ne bibînin ku hûn bigihîjin proje û karûbarên me bi mebesta ku tenduristiya derûnî ya erênî pêşve bibin. Îcar gelo muzîka wê an hunera wê ya ku hûn jê re eleqedar in, dibe ku hûn bi meditationê li rihetiyê bigerin, an jî tenê hewce ne ku kesek pê re biaxive, em ê vebijarkek ku wekî kesek li gorî we tê hebin. Ji ber vê yekê klîkek li dora xwe hebe û gava ku hûn amade ne ku têkiliyê deynin em ê ji bo we li vir bin. KOMBÊN KU TU DIKARIN TEVLÎ BIBIN Koma Wênegiriyê Gotin Koma Peyv Koma Nivîsandinê Warren gelek kom hene ku hûn dikarin tê de beşdar bibin da ku tenduristiya derûnî ya erênî pêşve bibin, îkona li jor bikirtînin da ku bêtir fêr bibin! BI XWE BINIVÎSIN Covid-19 me hemûyan veqetandiye - û bihîstina yek ji me bi rastî dijwar kir. Dibêjin axaftin baş e – bihîstin hîn çêtir e. Bi piranî em tenê dengê siyasetmedar û rojnamevanan dibihîzin. Girîng e ku em rasterast ji mirovan bibihîzin da ku fêm bikin ka ew çawa li ber xwe didin an têdikoşin û çima an çawa hewl didin ku van hemîyan fêm bikin. Ji ber vê yekê me hin ji ciwanên xwe wezîfedar kir ku rêzek beşên peyvên axaftinê bi navê Bi Xwe Dinivîsin biafirînin, ku rave dike ka ew ji bo wan çawa ye. Play Video Play Video DAYDREAMING - By Jodie Langford at The Warren Youth Project Play Video Play Video ODE FROM HOME - By Andrew Gooch at The Warren Youth Project Play Video Play Video DEAR STRANGER - By Stephanie Allen at The Warren Youth Project Play Video Play Video 24 HOURS - By Jodie Langford at The Warren Youth Project Play Video Play Video RAMBLINGS OF A LAND IN LOCKDOWN - By Andrew Gooch at The Warren Youth Project Play Video Play Video LIVE LIFE IN LOCKDOWN - By Stephanie Allen at The Warren Youth Project Play Video Play Video LITTLE BY LITTLE - By Jodie Langford at The Warren Youth Project Play Video Play Video A NICER NORMAL - By Andrew Gooch at The Warren Youth Project Three Minute Heroes kampanyayek e ji Projeya Ciwanan a Warren ku piştgirî dide ciwanan ku nivîsandina afirîner û muzîkê bikar bînin da ku bi eşkere, bi ewle û bi ewle li ser tiştê ku di hişê wan de ye biaxivin. Three Minute Heroes ji bo ku ciwan dengê xwe bibihîzin #hearmeout veqetandî ye Naha, kom û muzîkjenên li herêma me destanên dawî didin albûma DUYEMÎN Three Minute Heroes a stranên ku gotinên wê bi taybetî ji hêla ciwanên 14-20 salî ve hatine nivîsandin - ew albûm dê li seranserê cîhanê bi navgîniya Warren Records BELA ji ciwanan re were weşandin. herder. Albûma yekem niha ji bo guhdarîkirinê heye vir. Hûn dixwazin HINERIYA CIWAN We tiştek dît ku we eleqedar dike? Ji kerema xwe dudilî nebin ku têkevin têkiliyê û endamek karmend dê di demek zû de bi we re vegere. Em hêvî dikin ku di demek nêzîk de ji we bibihîzin. 01482 218115

  • REYC | The Warren

    The Racial Equality Youth Collective is a social group with issue based activities and workshops in collaboration with mentoring tools and techniques that guide and inspire young people from black and marginalised communities to overcome barriers to their progression and widen their access to opportunities with knowledge and determination Our main aim is to allow young people of colour in Hull to have a safe space to unlock the true potential of their identity We also aim to Improve equity, social capitol, and the social mobility of the members of the REYC with the ultimate mission of making real changes to policies and systems in the name of racial justice in Hull WHAT IS REYC? RECENT ACTIVITIES AFRICAN & CARIBBEAN COOKING WORKSHOPS I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. AdobeStock_112865290 Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image AdobeStock_112865290 Describe your image 1/4 AdobeStock_328025977 Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image AdobeStock_328025977 Describe your image 1/4 NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. TESTIMONIALS “I really enjoyed the cooking workshops, actually I loved being a part of a team and learning how to cook my home food.” – REYC Member “It feels like I have a place to go to and feel safe. I can experience things that I know others can relate to with me and I can bounce off other young people who have had issues with racism just like I have.” - REYC Member “I feel like my experience at carnival was needed. It opened up a door I have been locked out of, I feel like I expressed emotions today and it was validated.” – REYC MEMBER “In this group I can say my problems and I can find solutions immediately. I have more power now and I feel more confident because of this group. Without the group I would only be here once a month”. - REYC Member CHRIS KABA PROTEST Chris Kaba was a Black man who was shot by the police in September this year. Our service works closely with those who have been affected negatively by the police and have campaigned for institutions such as the police to do better at keeping everyone safe. Chris could have accessed our service, so we got together and ensured his story was taken to the streets of Hull in support of his family. Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image 1/4 Going Forward! The Racial Equality Youth Collective will continue in the fight against racism. In 2023 we plan to visit carnival again and continue to collaborate with Love Music Hate Racism as well as other cultural celebrations through out the year Police Youth Charter – working with Humberside Police in ensuring safety and justice for those disproportionately penalised by the police and criminal justice system. Suicide prevention – working with Highways England to incorporate prevention strategies in the whole process of bridge installation and design. This is an issue that affects all, but again people of colour, especially men are struggling even more so. Plugging the gaps in education and bringing representation and youth voice where it matters.

  • WHAT WE OFFER | The Warren

    Established in 1983, The Warren Youth Project provides vital support services to young people in Hull. You can find us opposite the BBC building and the Rosebowl fountain in Queens Gardens. Our team of 24 offers free support, guidance, training, education, counselling, employability skills/training, and creative expression activities and services to young people aged 14-25yrs (29yrs by appointment in the case of employability support). The Warren values its relationships with young people – we know that they are incredibly resourceful and, with support, can ultimately be trusted to know best about their own lives. We do this by ensuring that our policy of empowerment is central to our working practice and subsequently equips young people with the necessary life skills to make informed choices. To do that successfully requires an environment where young people can be who you they are without feeling judged. We believe that we create that place at The Warren.

  • WARREN RECORDS | The Warren

    supporting young people aged 16 - 25 NOT for profit record label and music studio TO BOOK THE MAIN STUDIO PLEASE EMAIL: SCOTT@THEWARREN.ORG OR ADAM@THEWARREN.ORG ALTERNATIVELY YOU CAN CALL US ON 01482 218115 (CHOOSE OPTION 3 TO SPEAK TO A MEMBER OF OUR TEAM) 10 Describe your image 32 Describe your image 31 Describe your image 10 Describe your image 1/4 WELCOME TO OUR MUSIC STUDIO - DESIGNED EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OUR STUDIO OFFERS A CREATIVE AND SAFE SPACE FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS TO EXPLORE, EXPERIMENT AND DEVELOP THEIR MUSICAL TALENTS. EQUIPPED WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTS, OUR STUDIO PROVIDES OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO RECORD THEIR MUSIC, COLLABORATE WITH OTHER MUSICIANS, AND LEARN FROM EXPERIENCED MENTORS. WHETHER YOU'RE A SINGER, SONGWRITER, RAPPER, OR INSTRUMENTALIST, OUR STUDIO HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO BRING YOUR MUSIC TO LIFE JOIN US AND LET'S MAKE SOME GREAT MUSIC TOGETHER this spotify playlist includes some of the songs created by our amazing, talented and dedicated young people! check them out on the spotify player! ​ AFTER a lot of time, hard work and dedication, we help artists get their music on all major platform's such as spotify, soundcloud, youtube and many more! ​ FOLLOW US AND CHECK OUT WHAT WE're up to below We’re an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation which means funding thanks to taxpayers plays a huge part in supporting our work.


    Li The Warren Youth Project, em serbilind in ku piştgirî û cîhek ewledar pêşkêş dikin ji bo LGBT+ Ciwanên li seranserê Bajarê Hull, û pê ve! Em ji bo ciwanên ku wekî Lezbiyen, Hevzayendî, Bîseksuel, Transgender û Queer an Pirskar têne nasîn du Komên Ciwanan ên nehênî yên cihê pêşkêş dikin. Em endamtiya xwe nehênî dihêlin da ku nepeniya we biparêzin, ji ber ku ne hemî endamên koma me ji malbat û hevalên xwe re "derve" ne. Ne hewce ye ku hûn pê ewle bin ku hîna kîjan etîketan diguncînin; hê jî cihê te li cem me heye. Mirov ji ber her cûre sedeman têne koman, lê yek ji wan ên herî populer ew e ku hevaltiyê bikin û bi mirovên din ên mîna xwe re hevdîtin bikin. Zencîreyên jêrîn bikirtînin da ku hûn bêtir agahdarî û çawa tevlê bibin fêr bibin. Gav Derkeve Temenên 13-16, her hefte li The Warren têne girtin. Ji bo bêtir agahdarî têkilî: Koma Qîrîn Temenên 16-25, her hefte li The Warren têne girtin. Ji bo bêtir agahdarî têkilî: GALERYA. Play Video Play Video 02:23 Pride Prom 2019 The first ever Pride Prom in Hull and East Yorkshire Delivered in partnership by the Step Out, Shout, Lollipop and TPSG Dragons youth groups. Supported by the Community Fund and HeadStart Hull Thank you to VIP Worldwide for making the film for us!! Play Video Play Video 01:46 International Women's Day 2020 In homage to #InternationalWomensDay and inspired by the viral film 'Be A Lady', The Warren’s young people have made this video showing the sign for equality and highlighting gender stereotypes they face on a daily basis. #Eachforequal #IWD2020 #Equality


    WHO WERE YOU PROJECT What is Who Were You? Who Were You is a creative project focused on youth culture, run by The Warren Youth Project. We want young people to capture what it is like to be young in Hull now, taking photographs that show a snapshot of life in 2022. We also want other generations to send us photographs of their youth, so we can compare life then and now. These comparisons will be showcased in a public exhibition at the end of the year! What are we looking for? We are open to receive photographs from the public showcasing their youth in Hull. This is open for anyone over the age of 25. We hope to get as many different eras as possible to have an eclectic range of photographs that document as wide a timeframe as possible. We would also love to interview some members of the public about the submitted photos and find out more about your individual experiences of growing up in Hull, but this is not a requirement in order to get involved. Why get involved as a member of the public? 1 - Share a piece of your history with the city ​ 2 - Have the potential to have your photographs displayed in a public exhibition ​ 3 - Connect with young people and members of the community To submit your photograph as a member of the public you can: Email it across to along with a photograph submission form (find this below) . This could include: ​ Who is in the photo? Where and when was it taken? Is there a story behind the image? (Please also state if you would be willing to be interviewed.) OR Come in person to The Warren and we will take a scan of your original photograph and provide you with a submission form to you complete. You can contact us ahead to arrange this 01482 219357 or by email on ​ Mondays- 1pm-5.30pm Tuesdays- 10am-4.30pm Wednesdays: 10am-5.30pm Thursdays- 10am-5.30pm Fridays- 10am-4.30pm ​ Every photograph we receive must come with a completed submission form. If you are submitting your photographs via email, you can download a form here: DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT We look forward to seeing what you send us! ​ ​

  • SCHEDULE | The Warren

    The Curve Schedule


    SCOTT - PÊŞTÊRÊN BERHEMÊN MUZÎKÊ Û Zêdetir atolye Hilberînerê herêmî, DJ û xebatkarê studyoya Warrenê SCOTT (AKA Endoflevelbaddie) dê hilbijarkek ji atolyeyên malê çêkirî, çavkaniyên serhêl, nermalava belaş û serişteyên gelemperî berhev bike da ku di vê krîza vîrusa Corona de ava weya afirîner biherike. BİXWÎNE BİXWÎNE BİXWÎNE GIRÊDÊN KÊRÎ Û TIPS TOP 1. Zûtir Encaman bistînin: Vîdyoyek ku ji bo veguhertina ramanên bingehîn di projeyên qediyayî de dibe alîkar, tiştan sade bihêle û hilberîneriyê zêde bike. Bi piranî bi DAW û Ableton re têkildar e lê ji bo pir pêvajoyên afirîner ve tê sepandin. Hêjayî dîtinê ye! 2. Destê xwe bigirin! Tiştek mîna lê zêdekirina hin kontrolek zindî li hilberên we tune û ez dibînim ku ew ji bo bilezkirina pêvajoya nivîsandinê pir zêde dibe alîkar dema ku we tiştek taktîk heye ku di afirandina ramanan û şeklêdana dengan de bibe alîkar. Ji bo ku hûn dest pê bikin, hûn ne hewce ne bi tevahî kelûmelên giranbiha, ji ber vê yekê li vir vîdyoyek kurt heye ku min dît ku li klavyeyan û kontrolkerên budceyê dinihêrim ku dê bankê neşikînin! 3. Zêdetir Tiştên Belaş! Ger we amûrek IOS-ê heye, wê hingê hûn hewce ne ku vê bilez bigirin ji ber ku ew di gavê de belaş e. Kesên delal ên li Moog HQ dihêlin ku hûn jimareyên xwe li seranserê vê guhertoya nermalava hêja ya yek ji synthên wan ên sembolîk bigirin. Niha bike!! TOMAR KIRIN AMPED WORKSHOPS Play Video Play Video 04:18 Mac Attack/ Laptop Attack - Case Study - Preview Play Video Play Video 01:23 Sparking Change on the Issue of E-Waste - The Curve A short dive into our Mac/Laptop Attack projects within The Curve Play Video Play Video 04:46 TEKATAK - Development Journey As part of its digital hub The Curve, TEKATAK is a laptop-repair workshop that will entail young people completing an internationally recognised essential digital skills certificate and participating in e-waste awareness events. These will include donation stations where peoples can deposit electronic items they no longer need so they can be repaired by the participants. The Curve aims to support 120 young people aged 16 to 25 and prevent over 160kg of old technology from entering landfill. Play Video Play Video 01:08 AMPED - Creative Opportunities in Hull An alternative approach to learning... Be creative, build confidence, join the Amped team today. Amped supports the next generation of creatives by channelling their ideas and organising projects to be used as a platform to kick start their career into any industry. Our team of professionals will teach you specific skills in your area of interest to help build confidence and empower you to create, achieve and succeed! WANT TO MAKE SOCIAL MEDIA MORE THAN A HOBBY? INTERESTED IN MUSIC BUT DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START? LOOKING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ART OR GRAPHIC DESIGN? MAYBE WRITING IS YOUR PASSION? WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORGANISE A LOCAL EVENT? CONTACT US: 01482 218115 #GetAmped #Hull #CreativeIndustries Amped are aware that COVID-19 may be stressful for you, so we are committed to helping you to develop skills, for employment or education, in a way which keeps you safe during the current situation. At present, you can work with us remotely during these difficult times. Play Video Play Video 03:11 SCOTT - Free Software With Baddie - Korg Kaossilator App Korg have kindly offered up their amazing app for free for a limited period of time to help you stave off boredom and keep creativity thriving during this strange time. Scott gives you a quick rundown of its features. You can download the app from the android or iPhone app stores or from their website. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 06:44 ELLE - Singing Warm Ups (Part One) - Mmm, Moo, May, Mar If you have been having singing lessons with me at The Warren through Amped, here is the first vocal warm up we do every session. If you’re a beginner, you can join in and learn a new skill! Warm up exercises are amazing to get into your singing tool kit; whenever you are about to sing, you know exactly what you need to do to warm up quickly and efficiently. It also allows you to explore your range and build up your technique. This exercise is Hum/ Moo/ May/ Mar. It’s a great one to start with as it’s not too high and starts on a hum, preparing your voice to sing. Happy Singing! I’d love to hear from you! Leave your comments below or email me directly at CHECK OUT ELLE'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 07:37 FAY - Intro to Spoken Word What is Spoken Word? Who is it for and where did it come from? Why does it matter to me? I'll be answering all this and more in just a few short minutes, in my quick overview of spoken word as an art form. Find out what you can write about, how you can start doing your own spoken word pieces and who you should be listening to in the UK scene. I'll also be showing you an extract from local Spoken Word Artist, Jodie Langford. Time to get inspired and get involved! CHECK OUT FAY'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 04:28 ROBBIE - Dirty Pop by NSYNC Drum Cover For my first webisode I thought i'd share something a bit entertaining with you all! I hope it helps with the boredom that comes with being stuck at home 24/7 and gives you an insight into my drumming abilities! Stay tuned for some drum lessons as well as workshops on graphic design, photography, social media and much more, but for now ENJOY! Original Music: NSYNC - Dirty Pop CHECK OUT ROBBIE'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 03:11 SCOTT - Free Software With Baddie - Korg Kaossilator App Korg have kindly offered up their amazing app for free for a limited period of time to help you stave off boredom and keep creativity thriving during this strange time. Scott gives you a quick rundown of its features. You can download the app from the android or iPhone app stores or from their website. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 03:25 SCOTT - Ableton with Baddie - 3 Top Tips Scott (Endoflevelbaddie) gives a brief tutorial on a few simple tips that save you a few seconds here and there so you can get creating and generating ideas quicker. Although these are demonstrated in Ableton, you may be able to apply these quick tips to your particular DAW of choice. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 03:32 SCOTT - The Creative Process - Interview With Steve Cobby The first in a series of short videos where SCOTT (aka Endoflevelbaddie) asks a few questions to a variety of musicians, producers and artists about their creative process, how ideas are generated and what happens if or when they dry up! This video features Steve Cobby, a stalwart of the local music scene, incredibly talented musician, producer, DJ, label owner and a generally really nice bloke. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 03:08 SCOTT - The Creative Process - Interview With Rhys (AKA MUSHTIFA) The second in a series of short videos where SCOTT AKA Endoflevelbaddie asks a few questions to a variety of musicians, producers and artists about their creative process, how ideas are generated and what happens if or when they dry up! This video features Rhys Covell AKA Mushtifa, a local DJ, rapper, producer and promoter. Check out what he has to say. RHYS SOCIALS: CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 05:02 SCOTT - Ableton With Baddie - Making Beats with Everyday Objects Another video from Endoflevelbaddie harnessing the power of staying inside by recording sounds from random stuff in his studio. Then, using Ableton and a few basic stock plugins, he arranges a groovy little beast of a beat proving you don't need tons of sample packs, amazing mics or loads of fancy plugins to get your ideas flowing. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: JOIN THE AMPED FACEBOOK GROUP: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 03:52 SCOTT - The Creative Process Interview With Chiedu Oraka The third in a series of short videos where Scott (AKA Endoflevelbaddie) ask's a few questions to a variety of musicians, producers and artists about their creative process, how ideas are generated and what happens if or when they dry up! This video features a Warren alumni, Chiedu Oraka, one of the hardest working rappers/grime artists in the city. Have a gander and see what he has to say. CHIEDU ORAKA SOCIALS: CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: JOIN THE AMPED FACEBOOK GROUP: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 07:30 SCOTT - Midi Mapping in Ableton Scott (AKA Endoflevelbaddie) looks at how simply getting hands on with computer based software and a cheap controller can add that human touch that is often missing when using a mouse to draw in details and move things around on a screen. It allows sounds to be shaped in a much more fluid and organic way with natural movements and simple emotional expression that fit the vibe of the track. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: JOIN THE AMPED FACEBOOK GROUP: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Play Video Play Video 06:29 SCOTT - 5 Top Tips For Music Production In this video Baddie keeps it short and sweet with 5 tips that he has adopted that help speed up his workflow, help shape sounds and create a better sounding production. There is always a different way to do something and these might help steer you in a different direction. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: JOIN THE AMPED FACEBOOK GROUP: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you ELLE FAY ROBBIE RYAN PROJEYA CIWANÊ WARREN: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER YOUTUBE


    No veqetandinê more! 16-25 salî? Di navbera 10:00 û 17:00 de, ji Duşemê heta Îniyê, dakevin Bar Snack. Êdî ne hewce ye ku hûn rûçikek li xwe bikin, lê heke hûn tercîh bikin hûn dikarin dîsa jî yek li xwe bikin. Ji kerema xwe hurmetê bidin her ciwanek an karmendek ku hildibijêre ku girtina rûyê xwe bidomîne. Dê paqijkirina destan hîn jî li dora avahiyê were danîn. ​ Em ê di navbera saet 11:00 û 14:30 de xwarin û vexwarinên germ bi buhayek kêm pêşkêşî ciwanan bikin. Lêbelê, tenê menuyek pir sînorkirî dê peyda bibe. Parcelên xwarinê ​ Em dikarin pakêtên xwarinê ji bo her ciwanek hewcedar peyda bikin da ku berhev bikin. Ji kerema xwe berî destan têkilî daynin da ku em kontrol bikin ku têra we xwarina me heye. Hûn dikarin vê yekê bi 01482 218115 re telefon bikin, ji 07395313640 re bişînin an jî li ser medyaya civakî bi me re peyam bidin. ​ Spas ji Fairshare Hull û Humber re ku ji me re xwarin peyda kirin ku em bidin ciwanan.

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  • ACTIVITIES | The Warren

    WELCOME Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text. Start Now Activities 3D Character Modelling 3D Character Modelling - Unleash your creativity with 3D character modelling at The Curve! Learn from experienced instructors and gain hands-on experience in bringing your imagination to life. Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site. 3D Modelling & 3D Printing 3D Modelling & 3D Printing (With Dale) - Unlock your imagination with our beginner-friendly 3D Printing & Modelling workshop at The Curve! Learn how to use CAD software and 3D printers to bring your ideas to life. Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site. Digital Pathways Digital Pathways - Join Digital Pathways at The Curve and explore the exciting world of digital industries! Our workshop is designed to help young people understand the different career paths available in digital industries and gain the skills necessary to succeed. Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site. VR Experience VR Experience - Step into a new world with our VR Experience workshop at The Curve! This exciting workshop offers young people the opportunity to explore virtual reality and experience a range of immersive environments! Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site. Laptop Attack Laptop Attack & Mac Attack – Enhance your digital literacy and gain hands-on experience with The Curve's 6-week Laptop Attack workshop! Upgrade your tech skills and work towards an Essential Digital Skills Level 2 Qualification while dismantling old hardware and upgrading components with expert technicians. Walk away with a like-new laptop that you upgraded yourself and a valuable qualification for your CV Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site. Console Gaming Friday Gaming Fridays - Join us every Friday at The Curve for Gaming Friday, where young people can play console games and have fun in a friendly social atmosphere with a wide selection of games available! WELCOME Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text. Start Now

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